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Rockler I-Semble Rolling Barn Door Hardware KitsOther Products

Rockler I-Semble Rolling Barn Door Hardware Kits

Rockler Woodworking and Hardware has expanded its selection of rolling barn door hardware to provide do-it-yourselfers with a wider array of affordable solutions for hanging custom-crafted doors.

Available in multiple styles – ranging from rustic to contemporary, with a black or stainless steel finish – the new I-Semble complete hardware kits provide the same smooth, quiet operation and easy DIY installation as Rockler's previous offerings, but at lower prices. Because the door glides open to the side instead of swinging open, rolling door hardware is especially useful in spaces where a swinging door is not feasible or desired.

Among the new kits is a set of bypass rolling door hardware that incorporates dual tracks to let the user hang two doors that roll past each other – ideal for applications where the opening is especially wide or where users want to replace sliding track doors or bi-fold doors with an updated look.

"Rolling doors continue to be a popular trend in interior design," said Jessica Stephan, Rockler's vice president of merchandising, "and they're being used not only for typical bedroom or living room doors but also in closets, pantries and as a creative way of hiding flat-panel TVs. With these new additions, we can provide DIYers with a complete solution for any of their rolling door projects – at a great value."

Most of the I-Semble® kits feature flat tracks made from 1/4" thick steel for high beam strength and minimal projection from the wall. The flat tracks incorporate interlocking dovetails in the middle that make alignment easy and provide a strong mechanical connection.

With the new hardware, Rockler also is offering several matching door handles and plans to sell additional sections of flat track so the user can expand the rolling door hardware to fit any opening. In addition, an optional soft-close adapter mechanism available for flat-track kits to bring rolling doors to a gentle stop and prevent bounce-back.

The I-Semble complete rolling door hardware kits include two roller assemblies with sealed ball bearings; mounting brackets; track; door stops; floor guide; discs to keep the rollers from jumping the tracks; and installation hardware. Prices for the complete kits start at $119.99:

  • 56667 Flat Track Bent Strap Style, Black. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .$119.99
  • 52109 Flat Track Bent Strap Style, Stainless Steel. . .. . .. . .. . .. $179.99
  • 59088 Flat Track Horseshoe Style, Black . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. $119.99
  • 53700 Flat Track Top Mount Style, Black. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .$119.99
  • 53051 Round Track Top Mount Style, Stainless Steel . . .. . .. . .. $179.99
  • 56591 Bypass (Double Door) Rolling Door Kit. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . $299.99
  • 54680 Door Handle, Black . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. $29.99
  • 51397 Door Handle, Stainless Steel . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. $39.99
  • 55480 Door Knob, Black . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . $14.99
  • 50632 Door Knob, Stainless Steel . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . $19.99
  • 51786 Soft-Close Adapter Mechanism. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . $14.99

All can be purchased at or at Rockler Woodworking and Hardware stores nationwide, as well as through the Rockler catalog. For store locations or a free catalog, visit or call 1-877-ROCKLER.