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Silicone Solutions CoolCure Concrete Admixture

Portland cement, in addition to being a large user of energy in processing, is the #2 greenhouse gas contributor (CO2) in the world today. In many years there have been no advancements in the concrete technology that have optimized its usage or chemistry.

In an effort to advance sustainablity and address the environmental impact of this dilemma, New Technology Solutions, LLC (A subsidiary of Silicone Solutions: Cuyahoga Falls, OH) has developed its patent-pending (PCT US15/11849) CoolCure − a major development that could potentially change the global environmental and productivity footprint of concrete technology.

CoolCure is a revolutionary new technology that significantly reduces/eliminates the heat of hydration. At the same time while reducing heat, major increases in compressive strength and working/placement time are enabled with CoolCure. Through the utilization of advanced technology, a more balanced stoichiometry and nanotechnology, this new technology will change the face of concrete technology today.

CoolCure works by balancing the chemistry. This minimizes by-products and results in a more efficient reaction. While creating a more efficient reaction, more bonds are created that generate more strength. Increases in strength have been realized from 40 to 100%. The heat is reduced by minimizing the calcium hydroxide byproduct generation. Its exotherm is well known in chemistry. The calcium hydroxide is better utilized by creating more CSH (reinforcing bonds) instead of creating troublesome heat.

Technology utilized in today’s mass pours of concrete, (thermally managed concrete) is where the width of concrete is > 3 foot 10” thick, requries intensive cooling plans and processes that must be employed. This is due to the gross exotherm generated as calcium hydroxide forms and is wetted out during the cure, typically described as the heat of hydration. The exotherm expands the concrete during cure and upon cooling cracks typically form.

Traditional cooling techniques employed today in mass pours are unsuccessful at mitigating all of the heat management problems. Exessive energy is utilized for cooling in many pours for bridges, dams, facilities and embankments. Concrete often is scrapped due to large cracks, as well as exceeding placement and maximum temperature designs.

In the flat work concrete world today many problems are also encountered from the heat of hydration. These range from slab curls, thermal cracks, internal stresses and distortion from differential thermal cooling. CoolCure eliminates all of these as well.

Current technology utilizes silica fume and other silicas to increase strength. However, these silicas do not reduce the heat of hydration. Cure retarders are also well known to increase working time/delivery range. However, these do not increase strength or eliminate the excessive heat that causes so many problems today. CoolCure combines these benefits, eliminates the problems and so much more.

Reduction of portland usage is also often utilized to reduce exotherm, however, significant time intervals (60-120 days) are required to attain full strength. This delay is incovenient and costly for most applications. Diluents like slag and fly ash are also often used to reduce the portland level. Strength reductions, material shortages and unsuccessful thermal plans have resulted in many industry issues.

CoolCure is ideal for large mass pours, and can be implemented in existing cement mixing facilities and trucks. Its eco-friendly composition simply balances the chemical reactions, minimizes the by-product and resultant heat generation. At the same time it increases compressive strength.

CoolCure also greatly reduces the potential for delayed alkali–silica reaction (ASR). It occurs whenever concrete pH exceeds 12.5 and some portland is not fully wetted-out in the mix. Conventional concrete pH typically varies from 12.5 to 13.5 and Cool-Cure results in a pH of 12.4. Also CoolCure fully wets out the portland. Quite simply, reduced delayed ASR = longer usage life.


  • Balanced Reaction = less CaOH formation ▪ No fly ash or slag required
  • Reduced concrete porosity
  • Improved freeze/thaw resistance
  • No adding dry ice to the wet mix
  • No skin chemical burns
  • Extended delivery and placement time ▪ Bleed water eliminated
  • Increased service-life
  • Increased delivery range
  • No cooling or thermal management plans required
  • No thermal cracking
  • No cooling aggregate
  • No cooling coils/chiller bundles embedded the concrete ▪ Reduced energy and lower construction costs
  • Fire and freeze stable = no explosive spallation
  • Less relief cutting required
  • Reduced metal corrosion
  • Enhanced low temperature placement temperature ▪ No lost loads

Notably, CoolCure is a much safer solution than portland cement which is caustic and can damage the skin. Workers in contact with wet Portland cement are at risk of chemical burns and developing skin problems. CoolCure does not burn the skin.

Additionally, cure speeds can be customized upon request as CoolCure offers ‘cure-on-demand’ technology variations that can speed or slower the cure speed to meet end-users specific applications needs.

Cement plants are a significant source of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide which are associated with a myriad of health and environmental impacts. Reducing the environmental footprint of portland cement production/usage and meeting future emissions regulations is of paramount concern to all concrete producers.

The CoolCure chemical cure system represents attaining a higher level of technology in practice, while obtaining a progressive leap forward is achieving a more environmentally-friendly cement, and increasing overall sustainability. These capabilities result in a very GREEN product needed for the future. We view CoolCure as a major step forward in technology for the 21st century.

For more detailed information call 330-920-3125, or visit