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Selena USA TYTAN High Yield AdhesivesAdhesives, Sealants & Coatings

Adhesives & Sealants: Selena USA TYTAN High Yield Adhesives

Selena USA announces the launch of TYTAN High Yield Adhesives.

The PRO line uses a Gun Applicator and features Subfloor, Drywall, and Bond All which utilize three different adhesive technologies designed specifically for their specified applications.

The DIY line uses a Straw Applicator and features Subfloor, Drywall, Heavy Duty, and Outdoor & Landscape.

Both High Yield Adhesive lines feature superior yield, strength, gap filling, and ease of use compared to leading traditional construction adhesives while also being solvent-free.

TYTAN’s 12- and 29-oz products are part of the “Can vs. Case” line. Which means one 29oz or 12oz can will replace 12 28oz or 10oz traditional adhesive cartridges!

TYTAN invites users to “Join the Revolution” by trying TYTAN High Yield Adhesives and deciding for themselves. The official launch date for the Gun High Yield Adhesive line is January 1, 2015, followed by the Straw High Yield Adhesive line in April 2015.

TYTAN, a company known for innovative One-Component Polyurethane Foam Technology, is launching a line of construction adhesives that offer superior Yield, Strength, Gap Filling, and Ease of Use compared to traditional construction adhesives.

Foam Adhesives have been on the market for decades without much growth because of obvious deficiencies. In the past, Foam Adhesives have proven inferior to conventional adhesives in common applications like Subfloor or Drywall installation. TYTAN’s new High Yield Adhesives offer a stronger bond due in part to more material being left in between the substrate after compressing the adhesive. They are also much more stable in low temperatures and can be used in extreme weather conditions.

Other companies have started offering different foam adhesive technologies, but no one has developed a unique formula and technology for each specific application like TYTAN. Some companies have foam adhesives, and some companies have a collapsing technology, but until now no one has a full line of High Yield Adhesives.

TYTAN has created three different technologies:

TYTAN’s Collapsing Gel Adhesive Technology has been developed for maximum strength and gap filling on horizontal applications. It may be used in as low as 23˚F and contains to solvents.

  • Subfloor formula has maximum yield, and squeak prevention protection.
  • Heavy Duty offers maximum strength on any horizontal application.
  • Outdoor & Landscape is moisture resistant, extremely durable, and fills imperfections better than the traditional adhesive market leader.

All three formulas exceeds ASTM D3498 and are great for Residential, Commercial, and Industrial applications. Products: 29oz Subfloor PRO, 20oz Subfloor PRO, 12oz Subfloor, 12oz Heavy Duty, and 12oz Outdoor & Landscape

TYTAN’s Semi-Collapsing Adhesive Technology offers maximum strength and gap filling on vertical applications like Drywall, and Paneling. It remains semi-foamy so it may be applied on the stud without dripping. It partially collapses to provide superior strength and gap filling to prevent loose boards and hollow spots. It exceeds ASTM D6464 and C557 and has no solvents. Products: 29oz Drywall PRO, 20oz Drywall PRO, 12oz Drywall

TYTAN’s Foam Adhesive Technology offers maximum yield, and fills gaps like a foam sealant on horizontal and vertical applications. It meets ASTM D3498, ASTM D6464, ASTM C557 and has no solvents. Product: 24oz Bond All PRO

TYTAN Gun Applicators make it easy to apply TYTAN High Yield Adhesive without mess or unnecessary body pain from constant bending and squeezing of a caulk gun trigger. Since one can replaces 12 28oz Conventional Adhesive Cartridges, you will save time, money, and reduce your amount of jobsite waste.

TYTAN Straw Applicators are fast, easy, and require no tools! One 12oz can will replace an entire case of 10oz cartridges, so it is the perfect product for any size DIY project. or