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Weldcote Z-Cotton Line Zirconia Flap DiscsAbrasives

Weldcote Z-Cotton Line Zirconia Flap Discs


Line of zirconia flap discs from Weldcote features a flexible cotton backing with zirconia grain for effective and economical finishing work on intricate contours. 

Weldcote has introduced its line of Z-Cotton zirconia flap discs which feature a flexible, cotton backing offered in three material densities, regular, extra-large, and extra-extra-large, providing up to 70% more material for fine finishing work on detailed contours. Available in both Type 27 and Type 29 four-inch sizes, the Z-Cotton flap discs are constructed of zirconia aluminum oxide grains. Designed for applications on carbon-based steels and stainless steel that require high conformability and a softer feel, the Weldcote Z-Cotton flap discs provide flexibility and the ability to withstand the high pressure generated from a right-angle grinder.