
Rockler issues new table saw DVD

Mastering the Table Saw video covers basic and advanced techniques.

"Mastering the Table Saw" is the latest instructional DVD in the ongoing "Way to Woodwork" video series, produced by Woodworker's Journal and now available at Rockler Woodworking and Hardware.

New table saw users and experts alike will learn valuable table saw skills demonstrated on the DVD, ranging from introductory basics to advanced techniques. "Mastering the Table Saw" also explores how jigs can add versatility, safety, and accuracy to table saw operations.

"'Mastering the Table Saw' unlocks the mystery surrounding one of the most important tools in woodworking," says Steve Krohmer, Rockler's Vice President of Product Marketing. "Everything is covered, from fundamental, everyday cuts like ripping and crosscutting to advanced joinery techniques."

After teaching a wide variety of skills, "Mastering the Table Saw" goes on to demonstrate many techniques as the experts machine pieces to complete a classic arts and crafts style nightstand – made entirely on the table saw.

The project applies advanced techniques such as building a raised panel door, cutting cove molding and building a drawer with beautiful exposed joinery.

"Mastering the Table Saw" DVD (57292) retails for $29.99. This and all other "Way to Woodwork" DVD titles can be purchased at Rockler Woodworking and Hardware stores nationwide, Rockler independent resellers,,, or from the Rockler catalog. For store locations or a free catalog, please visit or call 1-877-ROCKLER.