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Surface Shields Builder Board Breathable TapeAdhesives, Sealants & Coatings

Surface Shields Builder Board Breathable Tape

The popularity of Builder Board has been growing strong throughout the remodeling and building industry due to its all-around performance and time-saving attributes. It’s light, liquid-resistant, flexible, defends against high impact drops and 100% breathable.

Builder Board truly has become the standard in floor protection, saving industry professionals millions in costs every year. Still, there’s always ways to improve performance and Surface Shields has done exactly that with their latest innovation – Builder Board Breathable Tape.

For floors that require protection while still curing, a completely breathable system is needed. Yes, Builder Board is breathable, however, cure lines will form if the wrong tape is used to seam it together. This new breathable tape is formulated to allow vapors and moisture to escape, preventing stained lines from appearing on concrete and other curing floors.

Builder Board Breathable Tape compared to Non-Breathable Tapes.

According to the product development team at Surface Shields, while developing products they habitually ask the questions “How does this product outperform other options out on the market and how do jobsite professionals benefit from this improved performance?”

As always, Surface Shields does a significant amount of research on what’s available before developing products that provide a solution.

It was determined that there were only a few other breathable tape options available. Still, there was one noticeable trait in all of the existing products. All tapes possessed an extremely light adhesion. This makes sense, as higher adhesion levels would affect the overall breathability.

While the other options on the market did the job, it was incredibly difficult and time consuming to seam floor protection board together. The tape wouldn’t always stay down and you would have to run your hand over it repeatedly. This is not what Surface Shields wants for users of their product line.

Adhesion Test – Builder Board Breathable Tape shown on the left and the other brand on the right.Surface Shields pinpointed the perfect adhesion level to ensure that installation is quick and Builder Board is held securely together, all while maintaining a completely breathable system.

The result is Builder Board Breathable Tape. It’s developed specifically for Builder Board and is proven to outperform any other option on the market. Further information on Builder Board Breathable Tape can be viewed here.

To request a quote or locate a distributor, contact Surface Shields by completing this form.

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