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Gear Keeper Retractable Tool Tethers

Gear Keeper Retractable Tool Tethers

The Gear Keeper belt tether
The Gear Keeper shoulder tether

With a large selection of options, Gear Keeper Retractable Tethering Systems let safety engineers choose the best configuration for any application.

When an employee working aloft accidentally drops a tool a serious work site incident can be set in motion. Aside from the inconvenience and lost down time spent retrieving the dropped tool, there is a significant danger of injury and damage to everyone and everything below. Retractable personal tool tethers offer exceptional benefits of safety, productivity and comfort for workers. When the tool is stored, held or used with a Gear Keeper retractable tool tether, the dangers of entanglement, fatigue and annoyance are minimized and worker satisfaction and output are maximized.

Fulfilling the safety engineer's goal in correct tethering procedures for tools up to two pounds, Gear Keeper retractable tethers are designed so that the tool, application and recoil/retraction force are in balance. When a Gear Keeper retractable tether is extended for use, only minimal force is necessary thereby avoiding worker fatigue or in the reverse, causes a "kick" when the tool is automatically retracted.

Gear Keeper retractables feature many options that enhance safety and productivity including retractable wrist tethers, retractable shoulder strap tethers and retractable dual-axis rotation clamp-on belt clip tethers. For workers who use small hand tools (such as carpenters, electricians, scaffolding builders, window washers, etc.), Gear Keeper's new patented, Quick Connect tool tether fittings permit the user to safely change out a tool in seconds, saving valuable time on the job.

According to John Salentine, VP of Hammerhead Industries, "For your tool and instrument tethering safety program to be successful, a partnership must exist between the employee and the safety engineer. A properly tethered tool or instrument makes work more efficient. It simplifies every repair, maintenance or manufacturing project by keeping the workers' tools handy and accessible. Salentine added, "When tethers complement the tool, worker and application, you will have an advocate rather that an antagonist."

Built for heavy-duty industrial use with maximum breakage strength and durability, Gear Keeper retractable tethers are even designed to survive extended salt water and chlorine exposure. They are virtually jam-free with a patented flushing system that self clears sand and other debris from the retractor mechanism. With more than one million systems in use, the devices have a failure rate of less than .001 percent.