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M-B-W BullVibe Vibratory Bull Float AttachmentConcrete Equipment

M-B-W BullVibe Vibratory Bull Float Attachment

M-B-W, Inc., a leading name in concrete finishing and compaction equipment innovation, today announced the official launch of the BullVibe Vibratory Bull Float Attachment, a new product that saves concrete pours that have set up too quickly and helps create a better jobsite experience for concrete finishers.

The BullVibe is a precision-engineered attachment that uses vibration to achieve a smooth, even finish on concrete. It is compatible with a variety of bull float styles and can be used on a wide range of concrete projects, from small residential patios to large commercial buildings.

The BullVibe can save concrete pours that have set up too quickly. When concrete sets up too quickly, it can become difficult to work with and may develop air bubbles or voids. The BullVibe uses vibration to break up these air bubbles and voids, resulting in a smoother, more durable finish. It is also a useful tool for working together cold joints.

The BullVibe helps to settle the aggregate in the concrete, which further improves the quality of the finish. Additionally, the BullVibe can be used to bring the cream of the concrete to the top of the slab, which is important for achieving a smooth, uniform finish. Additionally, the unit features a sealed system design which prevents concrete build up and reduces the need for maintenance.

“We are excited to launch the BullVibe Vibratory Bull Float Attachment, which represents a major breakthrough in concrete finishing technology,” said Ian Arthur, Marketing Coordinator for M-B-W, Inc. “This innovative product will help concrete contractors achieve superior finishes on concrete pours.”

The BullVibe is now available for purchase from dealers worldwide. For more information, please visit, or contact our sales team at 1-800-678-5237, or